Political Pathology


Dr. O’Hara’s Organizational ER was launched when I taught public management to working adults. My posts avoided politics because organizational pathology occurs everywhere. In 2020, we see cascading political and organizational pathologies that threaten the constitutional order and safeguards that have sustained the United States for 230 years. Some threats, such as gerrymandering, systemically infect our politics and sense of shared community. Profound threats, however, have arisen from Trumpism, which has hijacked conservatism, cowed Republicans (which once I was) and tramples daily on norms that have anchored us. Readers may agree or not; consider my posts or block them out. All fine with me. This election is a learning moment. So here we go..

How Social Security Dies: Trump’s Dagger

No payroll tax for a few months, said Trump, to help folks during the pandemic. Trump added he might end the payroll tax forever, funding Social Security and Medicare by other means.  This is a lethal knife to Social Security’s heart because the payroll tax funding stream is Social Security’s aorta.  How so?  Payroll taxes go to the Social Security Trust fund, nowhere else (yes, reserves are invested in government bonds that help fund other government programs, but these interest-bearing IOUs, again, are obligated to Social Security, period). 

Get rid of the payroll tax and Social Security has to fight for tax dollars every year in the government-wide budget scrum.  Military needs critical this year?  That could mean fewer dollars for the Social Security Trust fund, better luck next year.  That’s not even counting the president moving money around an “emergency.” Need money for that border wall? Why look at all that cash Social Security (and Medicare) has!  Trump’s payroll tax moves are Social Security poison planted by a stealth assassin hawking how good the potion tastes.

“Him Weak, Me Strong”

Trump today labeled Nebraska Republican Senator Sasse “Little Ben,” “the least effective” effective Republican senator. This after Sasse saw fit to criticize Trump’s leadership relative to the corona virus and foreign policy. Four years in office, and on the campaign trail before that, Trump governs mainly by grandstanding, bullying and empty promises; and leads us with lies and bad example. Enough. Vote!

NBC Enables Trump, Disables Us

NBC hosting Trump for a Town Hall in time slot Biden already had on ABC sets up ratings war Trump can’t lose. Trump supporters, as well as opponents hoping for a train wreck, will tune in to NBC, for a “BIG WIN” Trump can tout ad nauseum. Trump pulled out of the Town Hall debate scheduled by the Commission on Presidential Debates for this very same night. So I’ll be watching the Biden Town Hall live, the Trump show on replay. Fair is fair.

“Pays Millions in Taxes!!!”

“Payroll! Property!” Say defenders who amplify their general defense of Trump’s near zero federal income tax payments over 15 years. Let’s take a look. Payroll taxes, Social Security and Medicare, max out at 15.3% of our first 137K income, or 21K for the self-employed who pay it all themselves. But wait, that 15.3% is calculated on net income, which Trump returns often claimed as zero. OK, property taxes? Harder to hide a Trump Tower or a disappear a 200 acre estate, but those acres, at least, can also be turned into refund gold according to the Washington Post.

GOAT or Patient Zero?

During Donald Trump’s 2015-16 presidential run,, Harold Bornstein was Donald Trump’s doctor. Bronstein signed an absurdly glowing “medical evaluation” of Trump that the good doctor later claimed Trump himself had authored.

You need know nothing else to understand why Trump’s White House physician ties himself in knots highlighting Trump’s corona virus recovery while refusing to answer basic questions about the course of the illness.